Leaving an Unforgettable Mark

The world today runs at breakneck speeds. The demands on every aspect of our lives can exhaust us. This weariness can lead to a feeling of emptiness and ingratitude that spirals in such a way that our overall well-being is compromised. However, gratitude can make a lasting impression on our spiritual and emotional health, and a profound difference in our life, our spouse, and others.

The Emotional Impact

Thankfulness serves as a compass guiding our emotions towards a positive outlook on life. Growing up, I remember a song that had an upbeat tone to it, and was a great reminder why we should be thankful. The song was based on Psalm 118:24, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” If you know it, you might be singing it. If you don’t look it up. It just might be the pick me up you need.

The Spiritual Influence

Gratitude deepens our connection to the Lord, our spouse, and others around us. It brings alignment to our perspective while cultivating humility, and an overall sense of peace. Paul reminds in his letter to the church in Philipi that they should bring everything to the Lord with “Thanksgiving” letting our requests be made known to the Lord. Before there is an answer from the Lord, the act of asking and thanking the Lord brings supernatural peace into our lives. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Three ways to Nurture Gratitude

Gratitude Journaling:

Take the time to daily list God’s blessing in your life. I guess songs from back in the day seems to be a recurring theme as I recall another one. “Count your blessings… name them one by one… and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.” Even if you don’t write it down, start your prayer to the Lord and conversations with others by expressing thankfulness.

Intentional Reflection:

Take moments throughout the day to hit “pause” and contemplate what and why you are thankful. I Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances…” No matter how bleak things may be the Lord never leaves, and give us reason to be thankful.

The Domino Effect:

Remember lining up the dominos in a line, and then knocking one into the one in front of it? That push leads to the “Domino Effect”. It sets off a chain reaction where all the dominos lean onto the next one, knocking them all down. The practice of gratitude can have that effect on your spouse and those around you. Articulate your feelings of gratitude toward your spouse. Point out specific ways they bless you. The power of our words expressing thankfulness are transformative, and not only enrich the live of those around us, but personal life as well. 

Embrace the attitude of gratitude! Don’t let the world run you ragged, and rob you of the blessing of being thankful. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; and bless his name!” You’ll experience the benefits of thankfulness in many ways.

Check out our podcast with more on this topic here!

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