Making Plans in Times of Uncertainty

Written by Special Guest Contributor: Cindy Goff.

Now what do I do, Lord? 

I began 2020 like most with New Year’s resolutions and by March the world in which I was accustomed to changed dramatically.  All my goals and plans no longer seemed appropriate.  Have you noticed how change has a way of throwing you off balance? 

This past year has been turbulent, to say the least!  Most everything I enjoy and had planned for has been disrupted.  There is a new external pressure on everyone which has induced a lot of stress.  Anxious thoughts attempt to overtake. Individuals and marriages are suffering. Did you know the number 1 prescribed medicine in the US are antidepressants?

I understand that I will have disappointments and sorrow. That truth comes with the reality of our world.  Our hope and peace rests in Jesus, who said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble, but take heart!  I have overcome the world”. John 16:33

Society tempts me to assume that “the world is my oyster”. That everything I need for peace and happiness can be gained here and now. Just have enough of “this” and do enough of “that” and you will be happy. 2020 took most of “this and that” away, and the lie of those things ability to fulfill us was revealed once again.

Even as a Christian in the U.S. we can fall into the trap of believing that all I need to do is establish my plans and then ask God to bless!  Instead, I must focus on Christ, the author of Hope. I need to ask God to draw closer than ever, and ask Him to help me navigate the unfamiliar paths in my life.  “We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it”.  Proverbs 16:9 More than ever, I need God’s peace and confidence to strengthen me.

What steps are you taking to seek God and allow Him to establish His plans for your life?

As a type A” personality, I want order as quickly as possible.  I am tempted to fill my schedule, even under external mandates, with socially distant Bible studies, Zoom church groups, recreational activities, and reconnect with friends I haven’t seen for several months, i.e. jump into life with both feet! 

However, I have learned that I must be intentional.  My life will not be as effective for Jesus, who has called me and has plans for me, if I don’t sit still, wait and listen. Take time each day to ‘invite Jesus in’ to every aspect of your life. Invite Him into your plans, priorities, and purpose.  

What causes you to “get stuck” and not allow you to move toward a life of purpose?

Even now, during these difficult times, I see opportunities which have the potential to bring joy.  I know that many of the situations that come my way, especially in the church or volunteering, are positive and bring me satisfaction.

However, I don’t want to settle for those things that are just good. I want God’s purpose for me; His plan for my life which brings great joy!  So, I quietly pause, watch and listen for my Creator to reveal the next step in his purpose for me today.  Philippians 1:6 “Trusting that he that began a good work is faithful to complete it”.

During these turbulent times have you paused to listen for God’s voice to reveal His purpose for you?
Here are a few tips to do this:

  1. Find a designated location to get alone with Jesus. It can be a certain chair or room in your house, or a quiet location you identify.

  2. Establish a certain time of meeting. Invite Jesus to speak to you about the best time to connect; morning, afternoon, evening…or all three!

  3. Come prepared with the Bible and something to write on. Jesus can speak through His word and the Holy Spirit. Be ready to receive.

  4. Consecrate the space and time to the Lord. Ask the Lord to bless and make holy the time and location you are surrendering to Him. This helps prepare the spiritual and physical environment to which Jesus enters in.

  5. Pray and bring your praise and your requests to the Lord. Have of list of issues, questions, concerns, and plans and one by one ‘invite Jesus in’ to speak about those things.

  6. Jesus loves you and cares about the details and He WILL DIRECT YOUR PATH – according to Proverbs 3:6.

  7. As Jesus speaks into various aspects of your life be obedient and faithful. Sometimes the Lord will ask you to lay things down that you thought were good. Trust His GREAT plan instead of your GOOD plan.

  8. Share what you are receiving with your spouse. Come together in prayer over the things the Lord places on your heart.

No matter what 2021 throws at you, if you are practicing these things, you will walk in peace and hope.

Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages. Find out more at

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