Missions through Marriage: Where?

Ready to join the team and be a part of missions through marriage?

“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? How are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!

Romans 10:14-15

Our Vision for Missions through Marriage

Our vision is to train marriage disciplers in every community, church, and country. That is where missions through marriage should be taking place. Wherever God has placed a married couple who follows Christ there should be marriage discipleship.

Isn’t it interesting that the word disciple means to “to learn”. Jesus said, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. (Matt 4:19) Jesus, as teacher, insisted that those who would be called His disciples would learn from His teachings. They’d learn from his practice of those teachings, and be with Him wherever He went.

We learn from Jesus that there is teaching (proclaiming), practice (living), and physical presence (relationship) in order to declare the salvation only Jesus can offer. A healthy marriage relationship speaks loudly to all three expressions.

Jesus taught and used different platforms to connect with those who would listen. This provides a model for us to do the same. Scripture uses different imagery to describe God’s relationship with us – clay and the potter, sheep and shepherd, vine and branches. But it is in the imagery of marriage and how a husband and wife interact where Paul writes, “This a profound mystery”. This concept is so deep and so beyond our comprehension that the closest example of the unconditional love of God and His desire for covenant relationship with us is marriage. We don’t exist without the relationship of one man and one woman coming together.

Wherever marriage exists two things are happening:

1. God is using the marriage relationship to reveal the oneness He wants with us.

2. The enemy is attacking the marriage relationship to destroy God’s plan of restoring, reconciling, and redeeming our relationship with Him.

We’ve summarized where missions through marriage takes place as every community, church and country because that is where marriage exists.

We pray that you are so inspired by this conversation regarding marriage through missions that you will embrace your God given responsibility to disciple others wherever you are – every community, every church, and every country!

What if one couple in each of those areas (community, church, and country) were willing to share with others their story? And where biblical truths transformed their relationship? We would certainly see love and forgiveness modeled from the inside out. This means we would get it right at home first, and the overflow of that would be a love manifest to the world that would truly cause people to know we are God’s disciples. (John 13:35)

Where is marriage discipleship taking place?

  • Communities – We love hearing the testimonies from couples who have invested in other couples in their communities by taking couples through the eight-week small group study, Two Becoming One.
  • Church – We continue to provide virtual and on-site trainings for churches. We aim to equip couples in their church to do the work of marriage discipleship. We say to church leaders, “Let’s do more for marriage than respond to crisis. Let’s prepare couples for a fruitful lifelong journey together. Let’s make sure marriages are thriving, not just surviving.
  • World – With Two Becoming One translated into several different languages and staff in different countries around the world we continue to receive amazing testimonies of marriages strengthened and saved. Canada, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Africa just to name a few. Through these efforts we break cycles and add marriage to the growing list of ways we can be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Go with us! We invite you to order the material and get started on your 2B1 journey so you can invest in others to do the same.

Or go on your own – You or your church may already have deep connections in an area of the world where we don’t have leaders. We would be thrilled to share more details with you, and train couples in your church to invest in marriages around the world.

Les go!!!

Learn About Christian Family Life

Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages.

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Two Becoming One

No matter where you are in your marriage the Two Becoming One resource will improve your marriage.

Get the book now!

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