Two Becoming One
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Written by Special Guest Contributor: Alan Morgan.
God can use this time of uncertainty and crisis as an opportunity to expose and bring to light financial struggles with your spouse. Now is the time to press into these issues and experience real freedom and healing.
I want to begin by encouraging every spouse reading this that financial questions and difficulties are often a part of daily life, and more the norm than the exception. This is true whether you have more money than you need or have more needs than money. Our natural inclination is fear and doubt no matter where we fall on the money spectrum.
There is only one who lived in perfect alignment with God the Father; Jesus is the example of surrender to God’s perfect provision. While this complete trust in God’s provision can be difficult for us, Christ offers the Holy Spirit as His free gift to us to cast out fear and darkness. Philippians 4:19 “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
So in the midst of our current “COVID…Quarantine…Unemployment…Retaliation…Election-year” lives, don’t compound your financial concerns by hiding them from your spouse. Take this opportunity to look at your spouse and say, “Things are looking a little scary, but your presence is a reminder that God provides me with the perfect provision.”
So – what actions can you take as you walk by faith and trust God’s provision?
Each time you look at this list, there should be two questions you can ask your spouse: Where do we need God to work in these concerns? What action must I take today to be obedient to God’s Word?
In all things, God seeks our attention, and commands our obedience. He commands us to be good stewards with the assets and challenges He has temporarily placed in our care. The assets and liabilities, the debits and credits all add together to provide a glimpse into how we view God’s provision.
Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages. Find out more at https://www.christianfamilylife.com/
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Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages.
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