Two Becoming One
International Ministry
Marriage Discipler
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Getting Married? Four Questions to Consider is designed to help Pastors and Lay Leaders share essential principles for building a thriving Christian marriage with engaged couples. In our view, the more a couple turns to the Bible for instruction, looks to Christ as a model and the Holy Spirit for guidance, the stronger their marriage will be.
We’ve found that if the couple can answer these four questions, they’ll begin to build a faith relationship that will thrive and survive as they align their marriage with God’s purposes:
– Why Get Married?
– Are Compatibility and Good Intentions Enough?
– How Can We Live Happily Ever After?
– How Can We Cultivate Authentic Intimacy?
There are four sessions in this checklist. Questions after each session encourage deeper discussion and exploration. Though there is plenty more that can be shared with a couple to be wed, we’ve found that these concepts are vital for a healthy Christian marriage.
We’ve found that engaged couples enjoy and benefit from working through the Two Becoming One Couple’s Set during their Premarital Counseling.